Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Now in 3 Locations! Crescent Moon Coffee House.

We are now sold in three locations around Lincoln! The funky folks at Crescent Moon Coffee House in Downtown Haymarket have agreed to carry Groovy Guru Granola!

Crescent Moon Coffee House is a local joint, owned by a few regular old Joes (and Janes) who support local producers and artists alike -- and are now dear friends of ours.

Crescent Moon is a hip hang-out with funky music every Friday night where coffee runs freely. This warm, cozy, local hotspot is the perfect place to grab a cup of Joe, sit and listen to great local music and pick up your weekly granola fix.

You'll find our granola above the pasty counter. Remember to 'think global, but act local' meaning go experience Crescent Moon and others like them. You'll be glad you did!