... go into any grocery store, retail or consignment shop and you'll likely find these 'buy it for $1, made in China' bags that [to be honest] we're not quite sure what they're made out of. Do you? We have researchers backing up on our claim that these non-tare bags are actually doing more damage than the billions of plastic bags that end up in our landfills and oceans. After the "reusable craze" happened 5 years back a lot of folks went out to every retail store they shop at and bought dozen of them. Within the last few years the second hand stores have seen truckloads of these "promotion tools" in their donation piles. Those bags finally end up in local landfills, because those second hand stores don't know what to do with them. Sure they sell a few, but thousands are coming in each week. How can they keep up? Is there a better way, we must ask ourselves...
Yes, take faith in the mission Honu Bags has taken on! "We make reusable grocery bags out of recycled t-shirts. Our goal is to help get some of the plastic out of the environment. The bags are named after the Hawaiian word for sea turtle: 'Honu". We chose this name because of the huge dead zones in the oceans caused by plastic. It's also a play on words: "A honu (pronounce Hoe-new) bag for a honu ("whole new") world. We wanted to create a bag that works as well as a plastic bag but is not harmful to the environment. They hold more, they are stronger, you can throw them over your shoulder and they are FUN! They are better than the "cloth" bags you buy from the stores because they are made right here in Lincoln and they can be thrown in the washing machine over and over." Quoted from the bag ladies themselves.
It's true, its "a whole new" way of approaching global warming. But what really sold us on this product was the process. We all have that one really great t-shirt we love. Maybe it gets too small or starts to fade a bit. You then send it to the fine folks who resale it. It ends up in the hands of creators and co-owners of Honu Bags, Karen and Paula, who then turn it into a bag. This bag can then be reused for anything. It can go on forever. How great is that!
Honu Bags started on a whim that Karen had. [And according to Paula, she has a lot of them.] But we're so glad they followed this whim straight to their basement sewing machine. These are a couple of ordinary women who have been friends for over 30 years, saying 'lets do this and impact change.' It's always the "ordinary ones" you have to watch for!
Honu Bags is all about impacting this world in a positive way and we at Groovy Guru Granola join hands in their mission. We hope you will do the same. You can find both Karen and Paula at the Haymarket Farmer's Market in Lincoln, Nebraska through October speaking and living out their gospel of Huno Bag living. During and off season you can also buy Huno Bags at Open Harvest at 1618 South Street in Lincoln, Nebraska. Or visit Honu Bags off shore at: www.ahonubag.webs.com.
"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot. Nothing is going to get better.
It's not -" Dr. Seuss
Note: Honu Bags had full knowledge of this article and is in support of it. Public comments welcomed!